HENRI BENDEL HAS LONG BEEN GONE HENRI BENDEL HAS BEEN LONG GONE Read More Fashion Biz, Fashion Industry News, Retail TrendsTamiko WhiteSeptember 14, 2018Henri bendel, fashion, designer, departmentalized specialty store, nyc, townhouse
MUST- HAVE SPRING ACCESSORIES Fashion, Watch Me Werk, Lifestyle, Retail TrendsTamiko WhiteApril 21, 2018tv, trends, trending, fashion, style expert, spring style, summer must have, speaker, shoes, bags, wedges, color, pastel color, ugg, stuart weitzman, botkier, Kate Spade, Marbello, Tory Burch, Mystique, sandals, pompom, fringe, Alexis lace dress
RIP TOYS R US Retail Trends, Fashion BizTamiko WhiteMarch 20, 2018Toys r us, bankrupt, fashion, business, retail business, retail, consumer, amazon, out of business